Making Headlines
To ensure we keep our students and community up-to-date, we’ve compiled our latest news coverage and announcements below. Check back often for the latest information, and get in touch with questions.
AUGUST 25, 2020
Dear Esteemed Parents/Guardians,
We believe you are doing well and keeping safe. We would love to say a very big thank you for your love and support during the period of this pandemic. Your constant calls asking for when we would resume means a lot to us and we deeply appreciate it.
After consultations and owing to further ease on the lockdown in Lagos State, we are excited to officially inform you that Patya Expressions Academy will be resuming classes on the 5th of September, 2020. Classes kickoff at 10am as usual.
Owing to the pandemic and the apparent need to ensure safety of wards, staffs and parents, we are putting health and safety measures in place. To this end, our modus operandi will also be slightly adjusted. Going forward:
*Children, staff, parents and visitors will be checked with an infrared thermometer before coming into the academy premises.
*Children, staff, parents and visitors will be strictly advised to wash their hands at the entrance of the academy reception and/or use a hand sanitizer. Parents can equally equip their wards with miniature bottles of sanitizers.
*We would have foot dips at the entrance of the Academy.
*No child, staff, parent or visitor will be allowed into the premise without wearing a face mask.
*Our closing time will now be 1pm. This is to reduce the number hours spent in class.
*Instructors/teachers with the support of the caregivers will be at strategic points to ensure children as much as possible observe social distancing.
*Parents are encouraged to come early to pick their children/wards.
*Parents will not be allowed to wait for their children/wards at the reception while the class is ongoing.
*Bus pick-up service is currently cancelled. Parents would bring their wards to the Academy and also come for them at closing time.
*We will have some of these instructions stuck on the walls of the premises. Please do well to support our safety measures by strictly adhering to them.
We would also appreciate prompt response of parents whenever we call for it. Thank you for your support and patronage over the years. We are truly grateful.
We look forward to receiving and welcoming our children on the 5th of September, 2020.
Patricia Patrick-Adelaja
Creative Director,
Patya Expressions Academy.
August 25, 2020
This is our news page. It’s a great place to update our visitors with the latest press and announcements about Patya Expressions Academy. Stay in touch.